Superhero, it’s CollabFest time!

Mark your calendar for October 25-26, 2024, for a virtual CollabFest unlike any we have had in the past!

Through conversation, panel discussion and presentations, this year’s event will devote special time to exploring where we are as a discipline and to visioning how we as an organization can both enrich our art form and support collaborative pianists worldwide

We encourage real-time participation for this year’s event, as schedules allow, to benefit from the richness of experience you have to share, Superhero! 

Do you have a twenty-five or fifty minute presentation you would like to offer for consideration? 

Then submit your presentation proposal here before August 1st!


Are you interested in speaking on a CollabFest panel and have practical competency in the areas of freelancing, wellness, dance piano, or choral piano?

Let us know at, for our consideration before August 1st!

Your voice matters, Superhero!

Join us!

We are stronger together, 



And…. save the date for CollabFest, the 10th anniversary conference: 

in person 

at the University of North Texas (Dallas-Fort Worth)

October 15-19, 2025